
Gemini vs. ChatGPT4: Which AI Does it Better?

Artificial intelligence has transformed the way we work, research, create, and so much more. Whether you’re a professional or just curious, AI can be utilized by just about anyone. Since ChatGPT first stepped on the scene in 2022, it seems like everyone is trying to create their own version of artificial intelligence. However, ChatGPT has remained superior to many other large language models. In 2023 Google debuted their large language model, Bard, which was recently rebranded to Gemini. Since being rebranded to Gemini, the large language model has a new look and feel, giving ChatGPT a run for its money… Or has it? Each large language model has its own set of pros and cons, but which one is more user friendly?

What is the Difference Between ChatGPT and Gemini?

By now the majority of us are familiar with ChatGPT by OpenAI and many of us are becoming familiar with Google’s Gemini. Both are large language models capable of having an engaging conversation and answering questions with an intellectual response. While they can both do essentially the same, each AI has different strengths and weaknesses.

ChatGPT Strengths and Weaknesses

ChatGPT is known for being easy to conversate with, producing responses as if you were chatting with a friend. Additionally, its free tier makes it widely accessible for everyone. On the other hand, ChatGPT struggles with remembering the full context of a conversation and factual accuracy, producing inappropriate or incorrect responses.

Gemini Strengths and Weaknesses

One AI’s weakness is another AI’s strength when it comes to comparing ChatGPT and Gemini. Gemini excels in factual accuracy and proving precise details. Moreover, Gemini can hold a conversation and retain the full context of the conversation, whereas this is an area that ChatGPT struggles with. However, Gemini is less conversational than ChatGPT, producing responses that feel less natural.

Testing Gemini Vs. ChatGPT

As someone who is a big fan of ChatGPT and ChatGPT4, I was intrigued, but skeptical of Google Gemini. In the past, I had experimented with Bard before it was rebranded to Gemini and wasn’t impressed. However, Gemini has pleasantly surprised me. For this test, I’ll only be comparing the free versions of each language model. Below is one question I asked each language model:

ChatGPT prompt

Above is ChatGPT’s response which is very conversational and outlines the process, but doesn’t give any facts or specific details.

Gemini’s response is much more direct and to the point providing specific facts from the get-go. Let’s try another prompt:

ChatGPT prompting
prompting for Google Gemini

Here both language models are prompted with the same question, but we’re seeing two very different outputs. ChatGPT answers the question but only partially, by just providing a caption. Gemini thinks about the post as a whole providing the caption, which platform you should post to, and potential ideas for a creative.

While these are just two examples, you really won’t know which AI is best for you until you test both out. After experimenting with the free versions of both large language models it’s clear that Gemini is creating some stiff competition for ChatGPT. I regularly use ChatGPT4, OpenAI’s paid version, and am extremely happy with it, but if I couldn’t access the paid version of ChatGPT, I think I’d opt for Gemini instead.

What is the Difference Between ChatGPT and Chat GPT4?

Think of ChatGPT and ChatGPT4 as siblings! Closely related, they’re both large language models from OpenAI that can chat and answer your questions. Aside from ChatGPT4 being only available through a monthly or annual subscription, they have key differences which are a big reason ChatGPT is free and ChatGPT4 is not.

  • Technology: ChatGPT is built on OpenAI’s 3.5 language model and is trained on approximately 175 billion parameters, whereas ChatGPT4 is trained on approximately 100 trillion parameters. Simply put, the larger technology size associated with ChatGPT4 encompasses a larger network of information and is able to respond in a much clearer and informational manner.
  • Capabilities: Unlinke Chat GPT3.5, ChatGPT4 can handle a variety of inputs including text, images, and audio. Additionally, ChatGPT4 is also able to remember more information at once, making its answers more accurate.
  • Accessibility: ChatGPT is free and available to anyone and everyone whereas ChatGPT4 is only available to those who pay for it. The cost of ChatGPT4 ranges from $20-$30 per month depending on the plan you choose.


Deciding Which Large Language Model is Right for You?

There are several considerations to be made when determining which AI is best for you. You’ll need to consider your goals, budget, and preferences. The ultimate way to make this decision is to take each AI for a test ride, but let’s break it down further.

ChatGPT Makes the Most Sense for You if…

You want access to the largest and most popular AI chatbot for free. ChatGPT3.5 and ChatGPT4o are amazing and have a massive database to parse information from when crafting a response. It’s been around for almost two years at this point and has really come a long way since its debut in 2022.


Gemini Makes the Most Sense for You if…

You’re looking for an accurate, fast, and nearly unlimited experience in a large language model.  Gemini’s responses are quick and tend to have a greater level of accuracy. Additionally, Gemini doesn’t limit the amount of conversations you can have with it, unlike ChatGPT and other AIs. Gemini is becoming more and more of a full Google experience, which is really no surprise.


How to Get the Most Accurate Responses from AIs

Whether you’re using ChatGPT or Gemini, accuracy is one of the most important features of any large language model. While artificial intelligence isn’t perfect, it can be a pretty amazing tool when you know how to properly use it. The quality of the AI response you get depends on the quality you put into the question you ask. Here are some quick rules of thumb to get higher quality responses when using AI:

  • Be specific. AI is built to answer your question in a literal sense, be direct and specific to get the answer you’re looking for.
  • Provide a tone and reading level. This is part of being specific in the questions you ask a large language model. An example could be “Answer this question _ as if you were having a conversation with a good friend. The response should be easy to understand and written at a 10th-grade reading level.
  • Provide context. Just like humans, large language models can provide a better and more detailed response when they have context.
  • Describe who your content is for. Is your content for another attorney, a client looking for your services, your paralegal, your mom, spouse, etc.? Giving context into who your audience will help AI craft an appropriate response that is more likely to resonate with your intended audience.
  • Never settle for the first response. Once your AI gives you a response it is always a good idea to further prompt it by asking for a variation or alternate response. This gives you different options to choose from and can potentially spark new ideas.


While both ChatGPT and Gemini offer valuable functionalities, the best choice depends on your needs. So, try them both! Experiment with the free versions and see which AI best suits your workflow, before considering the paid versions. Once you find the right large language model for you, investing in the paid version is a worthwhile investment. AI can be a game changer for attorneys. Remember, the quality of your questions directly impacts the quality of the AI’s response. Whether you’re wondering how to use AI to streamline the legal process, help you create content, or do research Cardinal Concepts can help you get the most out of your existing tools and provide additional resources to take your law firm’s marketing initiatives further.

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