
Social Media

Facebook Ads for Attorneys: The Good, the Bad, and the Fine Print

Facebook Ads for Attorneys: The Good, the Bad, and the Fine Print

With over 2.7 billion monthly active users, Facebook is a powerful advertising platform for businesses of all sizes. This can be especially true for attorneys and law firms. Running Facebook ads for attorneys can be quite lucrative, due to a much lower cost per lead than using Google Ads. However, navigating the potential ethical pitfalls

Facebook Ads for Attorneys: The Good, the Bad, and the Fine Print Read More

Marketing to Specific Niches in the Divorce & Family Law Market: High Networth Clients, LGBTQ+ Couples, and Military Couples

Marketing to Specific Niches in the Divorce and Family Law Market: High Net Worth Clients, LGBTQ+ Couples, and Military Couples

The divorce and family law market is a complex and diverse industry, with various niches that require specialized marketing strategies. As a divorce and family law attorney the unique challenges of marketing to high net-worth clients, LGBTQ+ couples, and military couples is something you’ll definitely have to face if you haven’t already. Each of these

Marketing to Specific Niches in the Divorce and Family Law Market: High Net Worth Clients, LGBTQ+ Couples, and Military Couples Read More