

Local Services Ads Introduced to Google Maps for Attorneys

Local Services Ads Introduced to Google Maps for Attorneys

Attorneys have been able to advertise within Google’s local map pack search results through Google Ads by using the location assets feature to show local search ads. Having Google Ads display in the map has resulted in limited impressions in our experience, that will be changing with the introduction of Local Services Ads. Google Enhances […]

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How a One-Star Review Got Us Three New Clients

How a One-Star Review Got Us Three New Clients

Google reviews can either be a delightful dopamine hit of professional praise or, unfortunately, a massive headache. Many law firm owners have encountered a terrible review left by a client (or a “client,” as can occur when a relative or opposing party decides to mess with you). Sometimes that review inspires such anger and defensiveness

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4 Law Firm Growth Trends to Focus on in 2024

Growth is a common goal for many businesses, especially law firms. Investing in resources and strategies that will scale with your firm is crucial to growing a successful law firm, not just in 2024, but for the years to come as well. If you desire to grow your law firm, it is important to understand growth

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5 Google Tools Every Law Firm Should Embrace for Success

Google offers an array of digital marketing tools to businesses that can significantly contribute to the success of their online presence and digital marketing efforts. Here are five Google tools that every law firm should consider embracing for success, if you haven’t already: 1. Google Ads Google Ads can be one of the most powerful

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4 Ways to Monitor Your Competitor's Legal Marketing

4 Ways to Monitor Your Competitor’s Legal Marketing

Pablo Picasso famously said, “Good designers copy, great designers steal.” The same can be said for legal marketing. I was recently watching the Netflix documentary about JUUL that spoke to their early advertising creative that was comparable to Apple. This reminded me of “the law of mind” from The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing (by

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How Much Should Divorce Law Firms Spend on PPC Marketing

How Much Should Divorce Law Firms Spend on PPC Marketing

A well-known legal marketing professional recently sent an email about PPC marketing saying, “If you’re a high-end divorce attorney, it’s almost $50 per click.” This shocked me as we manage six-figures of monthly Google Ads spend across the largest markets in the country and in our accounts, cost-per-click (CPC) are half of that. Now before

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How Your Law Firm Can Automate Responses to Google Reviews with ChatGPT & Zapier

How Your Law Firm Can Automate Responses to Google Reviews with ChatGPT & Zapier

Google Reviews are important to your law firm for many reasons; online reputation, social proof, and local SEO being a few. For local SEO and the Google Map Pack, the three most important ranking factors are relevance, distance, and prominence. Relevant outcomes pertain to those that closely align with the search inquiry. Hence, it’s crucial

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